Casa de Acogida Don Bosco (CADB) or 'Don Bosco Homes' is a non-for profit organisation founded in Peru by the Salesian Congregation back in 1998. It has 11 homes and around 600 children and teenagers enrolled at present. The educational role that CADB plays focus on children who are at social and financial risk. It delivers an integrated formation that sees them graduating possessing an entrepreneurial mentality and solidarity to become good Christians and honest citizens.

CADB has a number of ‘Homes’ around various States in Peru. They enrol young children as well as teenagers who face extreme poverty, social isolation and whose families come from a diverse background. Their graduates leave CADB at age 22 with a technical qualification that allows them to find a job and become financially independent.

Our work in Australia as Grupo Pastoral Don Bosco (GPDB) focuses on finding sponsors for the many young children that enrol these ‘Homes’ in Peru every year, sharing our Christian values with our community in Sydney and organising fundraising activities to support the great work our colleagues and volunteers in Peru do.